There are situations in this life that we all fall into, We sometimes bump into a road we didn't want it, suffer at the hands and expense of someone else. We are sometimes, abused, neglected and we will sometimes feel alone and lonely. But is it possible that we "also sometimes" create this for ourselves?
There are patterns with certain people, where they are always the victim. They start a rumor, at the end of the week they end up, caught and hurt (it's someone elses fault)
They cheat on a test and end up, flunking in a class (it's someone elses fault)
They lie and cheat on their partner's get dumped. are left lonely and alone (oh it HAS TO BE something the other person did)
They are miserable and it's always because of him and her and them and anyone but themselves.
Only, once we accept that we are completely responsible for our actions and things that happen in our lives will we be able to be completely happy. It's start to stop complaining about what we don't want and act towards attracting what we do want.
no one wants a cry baby around. If your over the age of 25 and your still running to family and friends to get you through EVERYTHING because its EVERYONE's FAULT but your OWN you need a reality check. life is NOT easy. not for YOU not for ME but we have to work hard to get the happiness that we want.
accept responsibility, admit to not being perfect and watch how your life begins to change :)