There's so many ways to look at love, So many people over the years have used the words " I Love You" only to make them wrong. While lying and hurting people, using the only words we had to really show and let someone know we loved them truly. There is still real love out there. Loving someone where you listen to a song and it brings a moment in your heart that awakens and it brings butterflies in your stomach. There is still that love that when you see your partner of "X" number of years you still feel nervous, you still blush, you still look your best and get pretty/handsome for him/her. There is still the love where you put someone's needs before your own. wanting them to be happy, because just knowing that they are happy, makes you happy inside.
That's love that's not selfish. there are so many people these days that put restrictions on love and bad things on love. Oh IF he loved you he would do this and do that, if she loved you she would do this and that... WHO are YOU to say what is right and what is wrong? Just because someone does not agree with the way you are loving or being loved, does not make it wrong. Don't ever allow someone to tell you that your way of loving or being loved is not the "right way" now unless of course there is abuse involved because love is not abuse. not emotionally, spiritually, physically nor sexually no one suffers in love.
But I want people to know that real love does still exist sometimes it's not easy because when your in a relationship where real love is living. Things happen to test us. We bump into roads that have turns and bumps and dead ends, where we have to turn around and do it all over again with the same person just to let each-other know things are going to be alright. Whenever and Wherever there's real love. There's no need to fear because at the end of the day you can get through anything together.
Everyone argues, Everyone has disagreements. It's not because of an argument that you can let someone tell you that things are not real ... keep that in your head and in your heart..
It's your life... LOVE IT & LIVE IT
I know and feel just what you are talking about. I just spent a lovely time with a man. It's not perfect all the time between us, in fact it is rather complicated. But I love him and even after I leave him, my heart is racing! He hasn't told me/shown me he feels the same, but it doesn't change the love I feel for him.