Friday, June 25, 2010

addicted to self induced pain?

Yesss! I'm coming back with a BANG. okay not a bang *L* but at least a hollerrrr..  I have experienced a few things these last few weeks. I have been dealing with certain people who i have really tried hard to help. Actually, lost money helping, lost time helping, lost alot of energy and at the end of these three weeks I'm looking around and I cannot see anything productive that has come out of it. It's almost like i spent my whole time speaking to myself.  I have been made fun of and called "Intelligent" with a smurk face more than once. Telling me, "Oh so your so intelligent.... why do you even care"  but... It's trying to get someone to understand that LIFE IS NOT ALWAYS FAIR but ITS ALWAYS going to have a PURPOSE regardless.

There's a time when you just have to let go trying to help someone who does not want to help themselves you cannot send yourself in a hole, even into depression for making someone else's life better. There is always going to be that someone who says "I'm never drinking again, because they feel sick then soon as they are better they got the bottle in their hand" There's always going to be the person who runs back into the abuser's arms after the fight is over. There will always be the people who are attracted to sadness, hardship. Now, from what i am feeing here always is that there are victims then there are those who LOVE TO BE playing the victim role., They can be the center of attention. get all the attention and then they go right back to the situation and all over again.

There is no way that we can help these people UNTIL they are completely, aware that they are addicted to self inflicted pain. Once they begin to understand what is really going on, they can begin accepting the help that you have to offer. until then it's going to be a battle with someone who does not listen

1 comment:

  1. Rosalynda,
    When I am trying to teach a kid who refuses to learn, I feel like throwing up my arms and throwing in the towel. Then I think, hey maybe this kid isn't ready right now to learn this. So maybe I will try again later, or maybe what I taught actually does get through, but I won't see that learning because the kids moves on. Maybe some of your clients are like that? Also, I try to focus on the many, many kids that I do teach successfully. You have probably had hundreds of people that you do reach because you have tried so hard. I for one have been touched by your thoughtful and compassionate readings. So I hope you keep trying even when some people are really taxing you, because you are good at what you do. Have a peaceful day:-)
