Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'll change... This time I'll change ???

 Alright.... So we've all had someone in our own life ( relationship) or had a friend who dealt with this in a relationship. They are in a repetitive  abusive relationship. (Emotional abuse, Verbal abuse, Mental Abuse) all these are as bad as Physical Abuse. These are all situations in which the person who is dominant in the relationship, Always uses their power over the person who NEEDS. When you believe you NEED someone, You want them so much that you believe ANYTHING they are telling you. It's always the same words. " I'll change, I'm sorry I really mean it..... I'll change" Then we fall and bend the rules, AGAIN. We drop our anger and we drop our decisions of walking away. We then are allowing the abuse to continue.  These abusers don't care about changing, they will not change unless we remove ourselves from the situation and allow them to see what they are doing.

Giving them the chance, to keep abusing is NOT LOVING THEM. It's only allowing them to keep hurting you, themselves and their life. If you are a Victim of Abuse. You HAVE TO WALK AWAY. Allow the person you LOVE to get the help that they deserve. If this is really love, If this man/woman really loves you, loves the relationship, loves their family. They are going to want the help, seek the help, get the help and walk a path of righteousness. They will find a way to make themselves better.

I know, a lot of people say that " once an abuser, always an abuser" that is NOT true. Alot of people who abuse their loved ones. have MANY emotional ISSUES that they have to deal with and have repressed angers. With therapy and counseling often this helps ... THEY CANNOT CHANGE without the help.

If you really love the person in your life who is abusing you, If your friend really loves their abusive partners. Tell them to walk away, walk out and allow them to get the help they seek.... If it's really ment to be it will happen all over again, once they are emotionally, mentally and psychologically healed

Do not hang around in the Abusive relationship waiting of the change to happen because it won't as long as u fall for the " I'll change speech" You are giving them another ticket to hurt, abuse you and hurt themselves more and more over and over again...............

If you are being physically abused........ call 911 and do not hesitate to walk away.............

 This is a song about Spousal Abuse *Love is Blind*

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