Sunday, January 31, 2010

Everyone wants happiness?

Everyone says "when will i find my soulmate, when will i find the one, when will i" How about "when will you love yourself" We all have off and on days, some days we love ourselves to pieces, the next day we are damaging to ourselves. We give so much to people around us, forget to love and nurture ourselves. The truth is, sometimes we have someone in our lives that is "the one" but we are so unhappy within, we are so stuck in the past, living off past fears and past baggage that we cannot see the current relationship for what it's worth. The good and the bad, but mostly the good because when we are victims of living in the past. We overlook the good and gravitated immediately to the bad, that is because we gravited towards things that we know. We are familiar with pain and heartache so we go towards the familiar. If you are not accustomed to good, happy feelings you are not going to reconize them, nor feel the urge to go foward to them...  It's best when in a relationship to always make sure you are not living in the past with your current partner because often we lash out, have insecurities and even make our relationships unhealthy because we are living in the past.

Once you begin to love and cherish yourself as much as you cherish your partner you will see that the need for him or her to give you what you feel is lacking wont be there because you will be giving yourself what you need.  Happiness comes from within. a very close friend of mine told me once while we were talking

"You never allow someone to love you less than you love yourself"  It's good advice but this means if you don't believe in yourself or think highly of yourself, you are going to submit to abuse. No one should do that.....

It's a new year..... get to loving YOURSELF

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