Thursday, May 27, 2010

Goodness.. can you be quiet?

Ever have someone in your life who you tried to help as much as possible. Whether it be a friend, lover or family member. You did everything in your power to help them get their life on track, get their heart and head on straight and then you finally realize all that hardwork and patience was a big whole waste of energy on your part because 90% of the things they told you they didn't do or did was just a bunch of made up, lies and some kind of fantasy in their own head and life? There comes a time when people like that have to be completely, cut out of your life. Why? Because as long as you keep people like this in your life, you will never progress because you are going to be drained.

Emotionally, and psychologically drained. We sometimes call these people Emotional Vampires because they suck the life, energy and happiness out of you so quickly, it's almost like spraying on cement on your body. There's so many people who don't realize that they are this way. I always call them the Lying/truths. They believe everything they tell, even if it's a lie. I mean if they tell you that they are Jesus! they are Jesus! Don't tell them no different. You ask them for the truth and honesty and they feed you "their truth" which equals a bold lie. That is not people you want to keep in your life. Clear these people out of your lives. It's not like it's a hard task to do, because you will be able to tell who these people are just from being around them you feel heavy, agitated and just confused at times. Because you cannot understand WHAT or WHY things are coming out of their mouths the way they are.

Sometimes you just gotta tell people to Just ~be QUIET~  


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