Thursday, May 6, 2010

Progress, Does it mean leaving others behind?

There are times when it really feels like the world as given up, on you. Things are all falling apart, nothing seems to be working. People don't listen, everyone is judging you and misjudging you. It feels like your completely alone and like someone is holding you a prisoner in your own heart, life and soul. These are times where you have to look at yourself, from within. Did you do something to limit your own path? Are you keeping yourself in a situation that's not good for you? Are you trying to help someone who does not want to help themselves in life?  Waiting on your partner to progress while he's just sitting around not wanting to progress mentally and spiritually?

These are things that can have you feeling heavy and just stuck. A feeling of unknown and aggravation. It doesn't have to stay that way. You have the ability to move forward from any situation. Does that mean that you have to let go of your partner? of your friends? No it doesn't It means that you continue moving forward on your path, Doing what feels good to you. They will realize it's the right way to go, and follow (catch up) or they won't but that will be their decision. YOU will be fine... The only way for YOU to be fine is progress. 

It happens, so more often in Friendships than relationships because for the most part relationships are based on equal thought and emotions. (not often but we touch on that on another time) But Friendships are what causes confusion a lot of times.  Your friends with someone and it's the same routine, drinking, partying, going out, getting so drunk you can't remember things, doing too much of nothing and not enough of something. so all of a sudden your like okay. This is NOT productive. I need to change my life style.  What is going to happen is.

Your going to find a path of progression doing better for yourself, achieving things. Your friend is either going to say. wow. I can have all that too if i stop the lack of responsibility in your life and move forward or your friend is going to call you a trader and keep going with the drinking only to realize few years down the road that they missed out on a whole lot

At the end of the day you have to do what feels RIGHT to YOU. LIVE and LOVE YOURS LIFE.
You cannot make someone learn responsibility before their time. Some people will go through a whole lifetime of wasting years and end up 60 unhappy and nothing to fall back on. That is NOT your responsibility

If they follow, they follow. If they don't.... Do not stop yourself :)

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