Tuesday, May 4, 2010

It's all in YOUR hands

There are days when we wake up, feeling like we're the most beautiful person on the planet. Hair is just right, those jeans just fit extremely right. That shirt couldn't make you look more sexy even if you had asked for it. Your confidence shoots through the roof and you have one of them amazing days. Your out in public and your head is up, high. You smile at people who smile back at you. Your having a wonderful and Beautiful Day. Nothing can stop, you. Nothing Does.

Then the next day you wake up, Feeling like your bloated and ugly. Those jeans make you look fat and that shirt should be just a little longer to cover up, just that little bit of fat. ugh, and your hair... It's all over the place it won't stay straight the way you brushed it. You leave the house feeling on a short fuse. Your miserable inside, You walk with your head down and Your not smiling at no one. You feel less than confident and you imagine people looking at you are laughing inside and talking/thinking about you. so your sad and that turns into anger and looks of negativity. It's been one of your worst days this week.

Now after reading this, tell me. Who controls your happiness? YOURSELF. You tell yourself every morning I am BEAUTIFUL I am worth SMILING and RECEIVING smiles . I am going to be a GREAT day. I LOVE MYSELF and see how much greater your days are. When you wake up, not loving yourself and doubting yourself, The world is going to doubt you. When you love yourself. The World LOVES YOU

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