Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Is the grass really greener on the other side?

The grass my friend ALWAYS looks greener on the other side. Until you end up, there. Step in some doodoo and take a look look around and there's missing patches of grass. bugs all over the place and it's never watered or watered too much....  We as humans often take what we have for granted and we believe we can get better elsewhere. That's where cheating comes from for the most part.  One of the partners is NOT satisfied and steps out because it looks soo much better over "there" Then once the situation happens they take a look back and realize their own grass wasn't that far off green as they thought. but it's too late, They already walked into trouble grounds.

It is so simple to feel and believe that other people have it better because of course no one is ever going to say my relationship is not working and things are ugly for me. they are going to paint a nice picture for the public but deep down to the core there are some serious issues within the relationship. So while your looking in, thinking wow this is an amazing person. You have no idea that once you get with that other person things are going to be all hell.

I always tell my clients, If your planning on leaving one partner for another (ie: Your in a relationship and plan on leaving it just so you can be with someone new that you already started seeing/cheating with) be cautious because in reality things may not be what it seems. You can often end up in far worst situation than you were in previously. It always looks better but it does not mean it is.

this was a rather small post but it just popped into my head... 

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