Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's like Cats & Dogs

 You ever have a Friendship or Relationship in which you argue and disagree even fight with the other person like cats and dogs do, then simply return to the normal routine shortly, after ( I am not speaking of physical violence here) I mean arguments, fussing, fighting, yelling, disagreeing, bickering. Whether its a friendship or a Relationship these are the most amazing relationships, because they are often there to present us with what has to be changed in our own personal lives. We often fight too much with these people, because they mirror parts of ourselves that we cannot stand, cannot agree with or simply, cannot work on at the present time.

Often we are arguing with a part of ourselves. Because when things calm down again you can catch yourself saying something like, we're two peas in a pot, or were soul sisters or soul mates. Either way, We are always bickering at each other and these little arguments often come quickly, like a fire who has been thrown gasoline on. a quick BURST of HEAT and INTENSE reaction. Then quickly, goes out as if it was never there to begin with. The problem with this is that is causes a stress on your body emotionally drains you over and over again. Without you noticing it. So sometimes after so many arguments with someone so close to you who you cannot seem to let go of, separate from.

It's a good Idea to evaluate yourself, See what about this person is bothering you, find out if there's something about the Issue that brews something inside you, It can sometimes be from a past life. We all need to investigate ourselves more. Because it's always easy to point the finger at the other person and deliver blame in any direction than our own. Very often however we are our own ennemie time and time again

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